Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Absence makes the heart... show its faults

Tonight has been a tough night. Adele is away all week with UCCF at New Word Alive. I am missing her terribly. Coming home to her, hearing about her day, eating with her, playing a game, reading or watching a DVD. I miss waking up next to her, and planning the weekend with her.

Don’t miss-hear me – I’m not getting all sentimental… or looking for the “husband of the year” award – far, far from it . In her absence I have realised how I have taken such things so quickly for granted. That sucks – and shows my lack of understanding of what marriage is all about.

It is the strong realisation once again that I am a selfish, sinful man – who looks far too quickly at his own desires and satisfaction… Imagine if Jesus had that attitude – he wouldn’t have hung around sinners like you and me, he wouldn’t have washed their feet, he wouldn’t have endured the cross for them – in fact, he wouldn’t have even given up the glory of heaven to take on flesh, yet alone in order to suffer and die…

That’s surely why the church is encouraged to look to the interests of others, to have the mind of Jesus Christ amongst us, “who, though he was God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” [Phil 2:4-8]

It’s a fair and right call to the church. But even more so, an imperative for husbands: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her” [Ephesians 5:25]

The purpose of marriage is to reflect the Gospel, to reflect the love of God found in Christ Jesus [Ephesians 5:31-32]. That means serious action boys – to deny self, and give ourselves to our wives fully, entirely, and completely in absolute service of them… what a joy that should be for us! The things I mentioned first of all should be things that I long to do, to grow in relationship with my wife each day. To touch her mind and heart, before touching her body.

That’s the tagline to a great short book I’ve just finished reading called “Sex, Romance and the Glory of God” by C J Mahaney that a dear brother recommended to me. It’s only 100 pages – and a great help to be thinking through what marriage is all about, and how we can be working proactively as husbands. I recommend it, whether you’re a husband-of-years, or a husband-to-be. Its aim is to look at the intimacy and relationship that God intends for marriage, and how to work on that as guys, and therefore grow the marriage. Helpful stuff! A great chapter on ‘Romancing’ – which, lads, we need to work hard at, and C J offers some really helpful advice.

I can’t wait for my wife to return… and I thank the brothers that made tonight so much easier for me, even though they didn’t realise they had!


James Taylor said...

Good stuff Greg! Just stumbled upon your blog.
Here's a little clip of Ligon Duncan speaking at the T4G08 conference this week on exactly the same topic:

Greg Pye said...

Thanks for the comment, and the link - I'm looking forward to downloading and listening to the T4G talks in full at some point

James Taylor said...

Same here! Came across another good post applying the gospel to the same struggle you mentioned:

It's from a wife's perspective but works equally the other way!