Thursday, 24 April 2008

Morning Coffee

I recently experienced a coffee made using a Stove Top and was rather impressed with the more intense flavour it produced, compared to a filter coffee maker… so we went out and purchased one for ourselves at the weekend… and I'm loving it. A good strong coffee hit in the morning has been very welcome… and a nice smooth latte after work has been a great way to unwind with the wife…

But it's made me wonder… is my morning coffee my idol? I think it is…

I wake up in the morning with a longing to have that hit… my coffee drinking becomes a must priority before leaving the house in the morning… I feel that I simply "cannot function" without that caffeine beverage…

Does Psalm 119 read:
With my whole heart I seek my coffee? v10
I will delight in my coffee? v16
My soul is consumed for longing for my morning coffee? v20
I cling to my morning coffee? v31

Of course not!!!

It should be water that I really long for…
Isaiah 55: Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters… Incline your ear to me, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live!
John 4: Jesus says, "everyone who drinks of this water [from a well] will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

The real satisfaction… the real thing for "get up and go"… a proper priority before leaving the house in the morning… a splash in living water… a look at God's Word!

1 comment:

andygeers said...

Genius :)

But also deadly serious. A guy on the Christian programmers forums I hang out on once asked me what my daily routine was, and when I wrote it out it became very obvious quite how much it was controlled by my tea breaks. It's actually been quite a helpful experience switching to Redbush/caffeine-free alternatives!